Curtis Parfitt-Ford

Hi! This is my CV

Curtis Parfitt-Ford (they/he) πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ
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Curtis Parfitt-Ford

I'm a candidate who offers the advantages of someone with experience in the industry alongside a fresh and highly motivated mind, with a keen and curious interest in technology and digital regulation.

I passionately believe in the power of humans combined with software to change the world for good, and see myself as someone who can help lead that change. Having founded my own company just two months after turning 17 to help campaigns I believed in realise their goals, I've got clear experience working in a self-motivated fashion to achieve key objectives. Unlike many other candidates, I bring this experience on day one - soft skills along with the technical experience coming with it - meaning a faster onboarding process and a greater value to your team.

Places I've worked

Full Stack Developer at Poteris: July 2023 β€” present

Poteris is a non-profit agency working with organisations to create positive change through technology, in particular in the third sector and civic technology spaces. As part a core team of three, I'm the only in-house software engineer, with responsibilities including building and maintaining systems that manage campaign data, architecting data models for the storage of authentication and contact information, managing the deployment of internal and external systems into the AWS cloud, and writing internal documentation for contracted technology partners.

In this role, I've worked in both TypeScript and Golang, using frameworks like Nest.js and Next.js, as well as performing DevOps tasks across both AWS and Vercel platforms.

Director at Loudspeek: February 2019 β€” present

Loudspeek provides digital advocacy solutions to some of the UK's largest progressive change campaigns and charities. I am the founder and director, and wrote the codebase myself, which processes nearly 2 million user requests per month at peak. I have experience from this role developing with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL and Redis, among various other technologies. In terms of soft skills, I also overcame significant adversity in the process of founding Loudspeek because of my age, including not being able to open a bank account for the company for more than six months until I finally persuaded a bank to do so.

Computer Scientist at Netcraft: July to September 2022

I spent the summer between my second and third years at university working at Netcraft's London office as a Computer Scientist. In this role I designed and developed automated systems combating cybercrime, as well as exploring ways to work with both government agencies and upstream providers to take fraudulent content offline, protecting brands and consumers alike.

SPARK Scheme Participant at Clifford Chance: July 2021

In my first year at university, this undergraduate placement scheme gave me an opportunity to experience a Magic Circle law firm. Having won my place on the scheme through my being awarded β€œYoung Activist of the Year”, I gained some fascinating insights into corporate and commercial law, as well as opportunities to network with leading industry professionals β€” including from a selection of Clifford Chance clients, who presented to us during the scheme.

My volunteering

Emergency Ambulance Crew at St John Ambulance: October 2022 β€” present

St John Ambulance is now the UK's national Ambulance Auxiliary, meaning we provide support to NHS ambulance services across the UK all year round.

I qualified as an Emergency Ambulance Crew with St John in October 2022, meaning I attend medical emergencies on behalf of the NHS 999 and 111 services.

Trustee at the University of Southampton Students' Union: July 2022 β€” July 2023

I served as a Student Trustee of SUSU - the University of Southampton Students' Union - in my final year of study at the University of Southampton. In this role I was responsible for ensuring the Union is operating in accordance with its policies, its objects and the law.

I worked with a Board composed of members with a wide range of multidisciplinary backgrounds, and oversaw the beginning of a broad-ranging governance transformation project. I sat on the Union's Audit and Risk Subcommittee of the Board, working alongside external auditors examining risks including financial, reputational, and safeguarding risks.

Unit Events Lead at St John Ambulance University of Southampton: June 2021 β€” May 2023

St John Ambulance is the UK's auxiliary ambulance service, its leading first aid charity, and its national health volunteer reserve. Student Volunteering Units in St John act as regular Event Services Units, and are trained and run to the same standard as any other adult unit.

As Unit Events Lead of the University of Southampton unit, my role was to manage the deployment to events of students at the university giving up their time to volunteer with St John, and ensuring we appropriately staffed our events.

Technical Officer at the University of Southampton LGBTQ+ Society: November 2020 β€” July 2022

The UoS LGBTQ+ Society is the Students' Union society for students from gender and sexual minorities (GSMs). In my role as Technical Officer, I was responsible not only for digital infrastructure, but also for data protection, which is critically important in a society for GSM students. As well as designing a new authentication system in PHP and Discord bot in Go, I worked directly with the Students' Union's leadership to create appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect members' data, establish the Society's legal relationship with the Union, and investigate options to inject member data into insurance "pools" without the Union itself having a record of their membership of the Society.

Achievements and awards


University of Southampton

BSc Computer Science

First Class Honours

Elthorne Park High School

Extended Project Qualification β€” A*

A levels:

  • Mathematics β€” A*
  • Spanish β€” A*
  • Further Mathematics β€” A
  • Physics β€” A


  • Computer Science β€” 9
  • Spanish β€” 9
  • History β€” 9
  • Physics β€” 9
  • English Language β€” 9
  • Biology β€” 9
  • Chemistry β€” 8
  • Mathematics β€” 8
  • English Literature β€” 8
  • Religious Studies β€” A*
  • D&T: Resistant Materials Technology β€” A

St John Ambulance

Emergency Ambulance Crew

Event Manager


Certified Developer


Available upon request.